Firehouse Subs Franchise
By Author, William H. Rogers
Published Online 07/17/2017 – All Rights Reserved / Registered Copyright(s)
Sub-Title: 2017 Firehouse Subs Franchise Investigative Articles (3) In Overview;
It has been with great respect and utmost regard I have been able to publish my investigative articles (3) on “Blue Mau Mau” which contain many hard facts concerning the FIREHOUSE SUBS Franchise. It has been stated that “Blue Mau Mau” is a fish that protects the reef. The “Blue Mau Mau” website has perpetually met it’s objective (‘serious attitude of wanting to know the truth when it comes to anything about franchises.”) by candid and unbiased franchise information. For this I am so very grateful. As I see it, Blue Mau Mau’s goal to educate, inform and protect has been met by publishing online information. As well, that has been my objective and contribution through my investigative articles posted on “Blue Mau Mau”.
The facts pattern in each of my “FIREHOUSE SUBS” Franchise investigative articles (3) alongside the clear and convincing material evidence speaks for it-self.
Full disclosure is absolutely necessary when investing (1/4 of a Million Dollars up-ward to 1/2 Million) in a Franchise organization the likes of “FIREHOUSE SUBS”. Trust goes hand in hand. In search of large profits (ROI) and an honorable and proven restaurant store theme (Firefighter décor elements) many good, hard working people have proceeded to open (with considerable risk) “FIREHOUSE SUBS” Franchise stores across the nation and internationally.
I have in my past articles (3) presented the hard facts regarding Chris and Robin Sorensen’s deceptive trade practices (and as a matter of law) for any one entertaining the idea to enter into a business agreement to open a FIREHOUSE SUBS” Franchise.
Those in-depth article (3) are listed here:
2016 Firehouse Subs Franchise Trademark Fraud. Who Criminally violated 18 U.S.C. § 1001? 
2016 Firehouse Subs Franchise & Trademarks – Firehouse Subs Franchise & TD Bank – Firehouse Subs Fraud on the USPTO 
2016 Firehouse Subs Franchise Trademark Lawsuit Update: Firehouse Subs Pays to Put Out Old Flames
What I have written and published in my investigative articles (3) about FIREHOUSE SUBS is true.
A reader should take notice that NO libel or slander charges have been actioned toward this author. This is because the truth is a defense in a libel or slander law suit as a matter of law.
These investigative articles were founded and unearthed after further surrounding facts were obtained by my research and discovery done much later on in 2012 up until 2015.
These investigative articles were/are founded in having full knowledge of the early on FIREHOUSE SUBS business venture (1990’s) and moreover being there personally to observe (clues) and informational facts I have since researched and reported regarding Chris and Robin Sorensen, “Firehouse Subs” the Franchisor.
I was indeed personally there, with Chris and Robin Sorensen in the key “genesis” stages of Firehouse Subs. I was part of the masterminding of Firehouse Subs as created in the formation stages in 1993.
I know first-hand that Chris and Robin Sorensen do not cheat fair. The two brothers (Co-Founders) have acted fraudulently and very unethically time and time again when it comes to Firehouse Subs business affairs and have not been forthright concerning the property rights of others.
I know first-hand because I was an extremely close friend (“Best man”, “God-father”, partner, etc) with the Co-Founders, Chris and Robin Sorensen (and Capt. Rob Sorensen) for over 35 years until we agreed to disagree over “Firehouse Subs” business matters.
This 4th brief article is posted to further support and authenticate my firsthand knowledge and personal first-hand accounts concerning Firehouse Subs, Chris and Robin Sorensen that resulted in my allegations, investigative reports and the findings over the past years.
In Short, I took a Polygraph Test (2hr examination) back in November 2016 after Firehouse Subs; Chris & Robin Sorensen, utterly denied (through lawyers) that I was was NOT involved in the KEY formation stages of “FIREHOUSE SUBS” in 1993.
In essence I was involved in the creation of “Firehouse Subs” in the VERY beginning stages . Consequently, I am a Co-founder and WAS a creative force (mastermind) in the “genesis” of the store design elements regarding Firehouse Subs (the Total Concept, Look and Feel of “Firehouse Subs”).
My 2016 Polygraph results from the Jack Trimarco examination were 99.0% positive (“non-deceptive”).
Simply put, this Polygraph Examination is another piece of hard evidence concerning my truthfulness regarding my claims regarding Firehouse Subs, Chris and Robin Sorensen. This evidence from my Polygraph Testing is from a highly reputable expert source, Mr. Jack Trimarco and it denotes my first-hand, personal knowledge regarding Chris and Robin Sorensen, a.k.a “FIREHOUSE SUBS”.
Renowned Polygraph Expert Jack Trimarco’s Full Bio can be viewed as linked here:
Polygraph Expert Jack Trimarco & William “Billy” Rogers See Below:

In the end, certainly most real Firefighters (and the public too) who get factual understanding about these types of Corporate deceptive trade practices committed by Robin Sorensen and Chris Sorensen, as outlined in my investigative articles, would most likely agree this behavior is NOT in keeping with the values, integrity and ethics of authentic Firefighters within the time honored traditions of the Fire Service.
More publishing’s as developments become available.
By William H. Rogers, Jr. – Article Published Professional Ex-Firefighter (Rockledge Florida),Concerned Citizen and Investigative AuthorAuthor of “Firehouse Subs Fraud on the USPTO” © CopyrightThis is an excerpt from the book publishing
Source: Buying a Franchise

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